Happystride blog

Inspiring striding - Jim Dodsworth (651 running) - The mental game

Posted by Peter Goldring on

The marathon is a significant physical challenge, but the mind and how you deal with the mental side of the race (and the training) is just as crucial. We’ve asked 651 running (online running coaching) founder and head coach, Jim Dodsworth, to provide some tips for staying ahead in the mental game! 1. Have purpose Everyone doing the marathon has a reason behind it. We wouldn’t put ourselves through this without something to motivate us. It may be to run a personal best, to complete something we’ve never done before or to raise money for an amazing cause. Don’t lose...

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Inspiring striding - Jim Dodsworth (651 running)

Posted by Peter Goldring on

Regardless of your experience and capability, training for a marathon is a serious undertaking. We thought it would be great to share 10 training tips from 651 Running (Online running coaching) head coach, Jim Dodsworth, to help you with your preparation. 1.     Get the foundations right. This first tip isn’t about running. It’s about all those things around running that will help you be successful in your marathon. Try to get 8 hours sleep a night, eat well, keep hydrated and incorporate 2-3 strength or conditioning sessions into your week to help prevent injury.  The training will be hard on...

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Inspiring striding - Pete Goldring

Posted by Peter Goldring on

For this “Inspiring striding" we have something a little different! We interviewed our co-founder Pete Goldring! Pete got into running 15 years ago and has run 64 marathons and ultra marathons. So if you want to know Pete's top 5 running tips and his greatest running achievements then read on! Thanks so much Pete for joining in with our blog ❤️ How long have you been running for and how did you originally get into it?  I ran cross country and track back at school. I hadn’t run for a few years and then in 2009, when I was 24, I...

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Inspiring striding - Malcolm Keys

Posted by Peter Goldring on

We have so much love for our happystride community ❤️ You guys are so inspiring and we want to get to know you a little better...and we know others would like to as well. SO we bring you to....the next post in our blog series ..."Inspiring striding"!!! We have the brilliant Malcolm Keys join us!🖊 We are sooo pleased to have Malcolm as our guest! Malcolm is a massive happystride fan and owns 22 pairs of shorts, he is a massive advocate for us always talking to happystiders at races and helped us at the National running show a couple of...

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Inspiring striding - Harriet Lampey

Posted by Peter Goldring on

We have so much love for our happystride community ❤️ You guys are so inspiring and we want to get to know you a little better...and we know others would like to as well. SO we bring you to....the next post in our blog series ..."Inspiring striding"!!! We have the brilliant Harriet Lampey join us!🖊 We are sooo pleased to have Harriet as our guest! Harriet got into running 7 years ago through canicross and loves a running holiday! So if you want to know where Harriet's favourite place to run is, who her running inspiration is and what her dream...

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In aid of CALM

We think running and exercise helps happy minds. Therefore we make a donation from each sale to support mental health charities.

Our chosen charity is Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM). 1% of all product sales will be donated to CALM (Charity number 1110621 in England & SC044347 in Scotland).