Wanna collaborate?


We have collaborated with many brands/running clubs/charities including Ultra Challenges, Havens Hospices, Prestwich Athletic Club, Roy Castle foundation, Durham mums on the run, A545RC, Pitsea RC & Stubbington green runners to create bespoke pairs of happystride shorts with their patterns and logo!

We are always looking for new partners to collaborate with. Perhaps you are a running club or community group, perhaps you are a company or even a school?

Get in touch if you have any questions / ideas / thoughts with how we might be able to create you some personalised happystride gear💡

Minimum quantities apply ⭐️

Email 📧 hello@happystride.co.uk

In aid of CALM

We think running and exercise helps happy minds. Therefore we make a donation from each sale to support mental health charities.

Our chosen charity is Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM). 1% of all product sales will be donated to CALM (Charity number 1110621 in England & SC044347 in Scotland).